
 Tissue flowers I made at work
 Beautiful gift from Jeremy and Yvonne...
 der:die:das publication. Get it HERE!
 Remember when my blog was called that? I wonder if I should create a name for my blog for real (I am always changing it :/ )


SASHA said...

i think you have a name for your blog, the name lies in the fact that you perpetually change it. sometimes giving something a "solid" name can make it feel unmoving and nameless (sometimes a non-name can be more of an identity/ more of a name)'s good that your space does not feel immutable...:)))

Sanne said...

lovely tissue flower!

ENSUITE said...

Congratulation for this publication. It looks great!
Der:Die:Das is beautiful. But I must say that i often pronounce your name in my mind when I open your blog page: Ashley Rose Helvey... It swings!