1 dinner! purple kale and cabbage saute on a bed of black rice with the BEST GOAT CHEESE
2 i found some wine that was left in the laundry room for someone to take. it was gross- pineapple. BUT! i figured out a way to make bad wine taste good- add 2 large ice cubes!
the photos on totokaelo look great, i had a feeling i would see you on there eventually + in one of my favorite sweaters on their site (future classics). awesome.
Mmmm, that dinner sounds and looks gooed - will make it sometime! :)
SOFTisticated display. Perfect candle holder. Beautiful.
the photos on totokaelo look great, i had a feeling i would see you on there eventually + in one of my favorite sweaters on their site (future classics). awesome.
beautiful colours.
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