I would love to take some time to felt! I read your new idea for tagged, and made me think of a book I just gave to a friend's bithday: In my bag. It was a bag itself by two handles and it's full of pictures of people wich you can fold open and take a look inside the bag with a handwritten list of the items inside from the owner. Very nice!
I would love to take some time to felt!
I read your new idea for tagged, and made me think of a book I just gave to a friend's bithday: In my bag. It was a bag itself by two handles and it's full of pictures of people wich you can fold open and take a look inside the bag with a handwritten list of the items inside from the owner. Very nice!
yes let' see what this becomes!
hmmmmmmmmm yes excited!
Will soon post a pic of my bag stuff too. Gosh your friend's obi's are sooo beautiful.
Cheers Ashley
X Lies
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