Haha. Not quite, but I did do my very first "group show" ever at the
Soap Gallery tonight. It was themed the "Celebrity Show" which was a bit difficult to work with. I kind of felt like my piece didn't really fit in, so I called it a "Disposable Dress," something you could literally throw in the compost after you've worn it only once :) I think Britney could use something like this...
sounds interesting! call britney, she'll be interested i think and you'll be wealthy...surely
oh this little dress is to cute to be disposable, congratulations for your first gallery opening. i am still waiting for my invitation to your show in novemeber....i need to get my ticket to fly up...also please do a blog posting on your intership to berlin, i want to know all about it....xxoo
Ashley...your dress is so beautiful! I love the blocking the colors are so wonderfully organic- i love what you've been making!
Ashley I love that dress! What is it made of?
gail! it's made of wool! 100% pure felting love
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