Having got a bit of a bonus from work I purchased pieces that I desperately needed yesterday: a pot, a pan, and a knife. Not just any pot, pan and knife though... A
Emile Henry ceramic pot, a
WÜSTHOF knife, and a cast iron pan, which I purchased in the sale section (!) of William Sonoma (minus the knife)! Even though I spent a good chunk-o-change, I feel really good about it because they are items I use every day and they're beautiful. I love what
Inga Sempe said in a recent article about the art of function, "I think you live a lot less well without a single sink than without a painting on a wall."

And the AVEDA shampoo and conditioner I decided to get after being "tagged" and deciding I need to indulge more in my "luxuries" ! yay!
where'd you get that beautiful skillet? i need one just like it!
good shopping, wonder pots and pans, could you share your cooking treats with us, i know what a good cook you are..........
quality is key! i think that loving the objects that you see and interact with everyday is a blessing. xox
Uh, envy is what I am feeling, but happy for you too, I love that pot, and I too have been in real need of a cast iron pan, Willian Sanoma you
gOOd purchases for a girl that loves to cook!
Come on honey, cook it up!!!! When can we come over? Ma ma Molly
next time, i read just a leeeetle bit closer: william sonoma, here i come!
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